ale gallon

ale gallon
   a traditional unit of liquid volume in Britain and the U.S., the ale gallon was equal to 282 cubic inches (4.6212 liters) or about 1.2208 U.S.liquid gallon (1.0165 British Imperial gallon). Standardized in the sixteenth century under Queen Elizabeth I, the ale gallon remained in use well into the nineteenth century but is obsolete today. It is also called the beer and ale gallon.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • ale gallon — noun : an old English unit of liquid capacity equal to 282 cubic inches or 4.62 liters called also beer gallon …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Gallon — The gallon is a measure of volume. Historically it has had many different definitions, but there are three definitions in current use. There is the imperial gallon (≈ 4.546 l) which is used in the United Kingdom[1] and is in semi… …   Wikipedia

  • gallon — (gal)    1. a traditional unit of liquid volume, derived from the Roman galeta, which originally meant a pailful. Gallons of various sizes have been used in Europe ever since Roman times. In the United States, the liquid gallon is legally defined …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • gallon — A liquid measure containing 231 cubic inches, or four quarts; the standard gallon of the United States. The imperial gallon contains about 277, and the ale gallon 282, cubic inches. The metric equivalent is 3.785 liters …   Black's law dictionary

  • gallon — A liquid measure containing 231 cubic inches, or four quarts; the standard gallon of the United States. The imperial gallon contains about 277, and the ale gallon 282, cubic inches. The metric equivalent is 3.785 liters …   Black's law dictionary

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