
   1. a traditional unit of weight in Spain and Portugal, equal to 1/4 quintal. However, the Spanish and Portuguese quintals are of different sizes. In Spain, the arroba equals 25.36 pounds (11.50 kilograms); arrobas of very similar sizes were established in the Spanish speaking countries of Latin America. In Portugal and Brazil, the arroba traditionally equals 32.38 pounds (14.69 kilograms, but in recent years this has been "metrized" to be exactly 15 kilograms). The arroba has also been used as a metric unit equal to exactly 15 kilograms. The name of the unit comes from ar rub', Arabic for "the quarter."
   The \@ sign has been used in Spanish as a symbol for the arroba since the sixteenth century at least.
   2. a tradiational unit of liquid volume in Spain and Latin America. This unit was intended to represent the volume of liquid weighing one arroba, so it varied with the liquid being measured; for example, an arroba of oil was 12.563 liters (2.972 U.S. gallons), while an arroba of wine was 16.133 liters (3.817 U.S. gallons).

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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