
   a unit of information used in computer engineering. Technically the byteis a unit of addressable memory, and its size can vary depending on themachine or the computing language. However, in most contexts the byte isequal to 8 bits (or 1 octet). This means that a byte has 28 =256 possible states. The unit was named by IBM engineer Werner Buchholzin 1956, and the 8-bit size was popularized starting in 1964 by IBM's System360, a top-selling mainframe computer. The spelling "byte" is usedinstead of "bite" in order to avoid confusion with the bit.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • byte — byte …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • BYTE —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec octet ou bit. Le byte (prononcé /bait/), de symbole B, est la plus petite unité adressable d’un ordinateur. Aujourd’hui, les bytes de 8 bits se sont généralisés en informatique, alors qu’en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Byte — [bai̮t], das; [s], [s]: zusammengehörige Folge von acht Bits: ein Megabyte umfasst 1 048 576 Bytes. Zus.: Gigabyte, Megabyte. * * * Byte 〈[baıt] n.; od. s, s od. (bei Zahlenangaben) ; EDV; 〉 kleinste im Speicher einer EDV Anlage adressierbare… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • byte — byte; giga·byte; ki·lo·byte; mega·byte; tera·byte; …   English syllables

  • byte — [ bajt ] n. m. • apr. 1964; mot angl. ♦ Inform. Ensemble de plusieurs bits constituant une unité complète d information. Abusivt Octet (recomm. offic.). ● byte nom masculin (anglais byte) En informatique, ensemble de bits consécutifs transmis ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • byte — [baɪt] also bite noun [countable] COMPUTING a unit of computer information that can hold one number or letter. A byte is made up of eight bit S (= the smallest units of storage on a computer). The amount of processing space on a computer is… …   Financial and business terms

  • byte — BYTE, byţi, s.m. (inform.) Ansamblu de opt biţi folosit pentru exprimarea capacităţii de memorie; bait. [pr.: bait] (cuv. engl. < prob. alter. din bite = muşcătură, (p. ext.) porţie, parte) [etim. MW] Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Byte — [bait] das; (s), (s); EDV; eine (Informations)Einheit beim elektronischen Rechnen und bei der Datenverarbeitung: ein Byte hat acht Bit || K: Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • byte — [baıt] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Invented word based on BIT25 and bite] a unit for measuring computer information, equal to eight ↑bits (=the smallest unit on which information is stored on a computer) ▪ Each character requires one byte of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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