
(G or Gs)
   1. the CGS unit of magnetic flux density. A field of one gauss exerts, on a current-carrying conductor placed in the field, a force of 0.1 dyne per ampere of current per centimeter of conductor. One gauss represents a magnetic flux of one maxwell per square centimeter of cross-section perpendicular to the field. In SI units, one gauss equals 10-4 tesla. The unit is named for the German mathematician and astronomer Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855).
   2. a former name for the CGS unit of magnetic field strength, officially renamed the oersted in 1930.
   3. the CGS unit of magnetic dipole moment per unit volume, more commonly written emu/cm3 or emu/cc. In this use the gauss equals 1000 amperes per meter in SI units.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • gauss — gauss …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • GAUSS (C. F.) — L’œuvre du mathématicien allemand Carl Friedrich Gauss (né à Brunswick, mort à Göttingen) est un monument d’une ampleur et d’une richesse sans égale: non seulement il y a Gauss mathématicien, mais il y a aussi le calculateur, le géodésien,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gauss — [ gos ] n. m. • 1882; du nom du mathématicien C. F. Gauss ♦ Métrol. Ancienne unité C. G. S. d induction magnétique (G), valant 10 4 tesla. ● gauss nom masculin (de Gauss, nom propre) Unité C.G.S. électromagnétique d induction magnétique. (1 gauss …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gauss — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Gauss se puede referir a: El matemático y físico Carl Friedrich Gauss; La unidad de medida de campo magnético gauss. Términos relacionados: La distribución de Gauss o distribución normal es una distribución de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gauss — may refer to: *Carl Friedrich Gauss, German mathematician and physicist **List of topics named after Carl Friedrich Gauss *Gauss (ship), a German research ship *Gauss (unit), a unit of magnetic flux density or magnetic induction *Gauss (crater),… …   Wikipedia

  • gauss — GAUSS, gauşi, s.m. Unitate de măsură a inducţiei magnetice în sistemul electromagnetic C.G.S. (centimetru, gram, secundă). – Din fr. gauss. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  gauss s. m., pl. gauşi; simb. G sau Gs Trimis de siveco, 10.08 …   Dicționar Român

  • Gauss — (gous), n. [So named after Karl F. Gauss, a German mathematician.] 1. (Elec.) The C.G.S. unit of density of magnetic field, equal to a field of one line of force per square centimeter, being thus adopted as an international unit at Paris in 1900; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • GAUSS — Тип Язык программирования Разработчик Aptech Systems Операционная система Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac Первый выпуск 1984 Последняя версия 12 (2011) Лицензия …   Википедия

  • gauss — s.m.inv. TS fis. unità di misura dell induzione elettromagnetica nel sistema CGS (simb. G, Gs) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1956. ETIMO: da Gauss, nome del matematico e fisico tedesco Karl Fiederich Gauss (1777 1855) …   Dizionario italiano

  • gauss — [gous] n. pl. gauss or gausses [after C. F. Gauss (1777 1855), Ger mathematician & astronomer] the basic unit of magnetic flux density in the CGS system, equal to one line of magnetic flux per square centimeter or one maxwell per square… …   English World dictionary

  • gauss — C.G.S. unit of intensity of a magnetic field, 1882, named for German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777 1855). Related: Gaussage …   Etymology dictionary

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