1The Killing Fields of Inequality , Goran Therborn
Inequality is not just about the size of our wallets. It is a socio-cultural order which, for most of us, reduces our capabilities to function as human beings, our health, our dignity, our sense of… 5459.42 руб электронная книга2The Economics of Inequality , Thomas Piketty (2015)
Thomas Piketty?whose Capital in the Twenty-First Century pushed inequality to the forefront of public debate?wrote The Economics of Inequality as an introduction to the conceptual and factual… 2459 руб3Fast methods for jackknifing inequality indices , L.А. Karoly (2015)
The jackknife is a resampling method that uses subsets of the original database by leaving out one observation at a time from the sample. The paper develops fast algorithms for jackknifing inequality… 79.9 руб электронная книга4Some aspects of the inequality of incomes in modern communities , Dalton Hugh Dalton (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1315 руб5Income Inequality and Social Stratification: Causes and Consequences (2008)
This volume draws together a collection of classical reodings from economics, political science, sociology, and philosophy lo shed light on the fundamental nature of diversity in society. From Adorn… 760.2 руб6Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy , Кэти О'нейл (2016)
New York Times Bestseller 039;Fascinating and deeply disturbing 039; - Yuval Noah Harari, Guardian Books of the Year 039;A manual for the 21st-century citizen... accessible, refreshingly… 409 грн (только Украина)7A Discourse Upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind , Жан-Жак Руссо
руб электронная книга8Analyzing Multidimensional Well-Being. A Quantitative Approach , Satya Chakravarty R.
“An indispensable reference for all researchers interested in the measurement of social welfare. . .” —François Bourguignon, Emeritus Professor at Paris School of Economics, Former Chief… 8493.82 руб электронная книга9Collateral Damage. Social Inequalities in a Global Age , Zygmunt Bauman
The term‘collateral damage'has recently been added to the vocabulary of military forces to refer to the unintended consequences of armed interventions, consequences that are unplanned but… 5069.18 руб электронная книга10Equity and Health , G. Antille Gaillard (2007)
This article raises the problem of equity in the health system in Switzerland. Three dimensions of the concept of equity are taken into consideration: the inequality in the financing of the health… 79.9 руб электронная книга