
   a traditional unit of volume for firewood. A faggot was 3 feet in length and 2 feet in circumference; this is a volume of about 0.955 cubic feet or 27 liters. There are about 134 faggots in a cord.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • Faggot — or fagot may refer to:* Faggot (slang), a pejorative for a homosexual or effeminate man used mainly in North America * Faggot (food), a British meatball commonly made of pork offal * Faggot (volume), an archaic unit of measurement for bundles of… …   Wikipedia

  • Faggot — (spr. fäggŏt), in England eine Menge von 120 Handelspfund Stahl = 54,431 kg …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • faggot — fag got (f[a^]g [u^]t), n. [perh. from fagot[5], a shriveled old woman.] a male homosexual; always used disparagingly and considered offensive. [Slang, disparaging] Syn: fagot, fag, fairy, pansy, queer, poof, poove, pouf. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Faggot — (Fagot), Maß in England: Reisbündel von 3 Fuß Länge und 2 Fuß Umfang am Weidenbande, 50 im Load; als Stahlgewicht = 120 Pfund oder 54,431 kg, wie ein alter Zentner in Hull …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • faggot — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a ball of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried. 2) (US fagot) a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel. 3) N. Amer. informal, derogatory a male homosexual. DERIVATIVES faggoty adjective. ORIGIN Old French …   English terms dictionary

  • faggot — faggot1 [fag′ət] n., vt. alt. sp. of FAGOT ☆ faggot2 [fag′ət ] n. [prob. extended < fag (homosexual), on the pattern of FAGGOT1] Slang a male homosexual: term of contempt faggoty adj …   English World dictionary

  • faggot — {{11}}faggot (1) late 13c., bundle of twigs bound up, from O.Fr. fagot bundle of sticks (13c.), of uncertain origin, probably from It. faggotto, dim. of V.L. *facus, from L. fascis bundle of wood (see FASCES (Cf. fasces)). Especially used for… …   Etymology dictionary

  • faggot — fag, faggot In BrE a fag is a colloquial word for (1) a piece of drudgery or a wearisome or unwelcome task, (2) a cigarette, and (3) a junior pupil at a public school who runs errands for a senior. In BrE a faggot is a ball or roll of seasoned… …   Modern English usage

  • faggot up — verb bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot faggot up the sticks • Syn: ↑faggot, ↑fagot • Hypernyms: ↑tie down, ↑tie up, ↑bind, ↑truss …   Useful english dictionary

  • Faggot — Faggots, Bratensauce, Kartoffelpüree und Erbsen Faggots ist ein traditionelles Gericht in Großbritannien, das besonders in Zentralwales, im Süden und den Englischen Midlands verbreitet ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • faggot — n 1. British an unattractive or disreputable woman. This now outdated term, some three hundred years old, is still heard in the phrase old faggot . 2. American a homosexual man. It is not certain whether this term is an embel lished version of… …   Contemporary slang

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