Glasgow Coma Scale — The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS, sometimes also known as the Glasgow Coma Score is a neurological scale which aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person, for initial as well as continuing assessment. A… … Wikipedia
Glasgow Coma Scale — Die Glasgow Coma Scale oder Glasgow Koma Skala (GCS) ist eine einfache Skala zur Abschätzung einer Bewusstseinsstörung. Obwohl sie häufig in der Intensivmedizin insbesondere nach einer Schädel Hirn Verletzung (Trauma) verwendet wird,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Glasgow coma scale — See coma scale. * * * Glas·gow Coma Scale glas (.)kō , (.)gō ; glaz (.)gō n a scale that is used to assess the severity of a brain injury, that consists of values from 3 to 15 obtained by summing the ratings assigned to three variables depending… … Medical dictionary
Glasgow Coma Scale — Glasgow scoring system … The new mediacal dictionary
Glasgow Coma Scale Outcome Scale — Glas·gow Coma Scale, Outcome Scale (glasґgo) [Glasgow, Scotland, where the scales were developed] see under scale … Medical dictionary
Glasgow Coma Scale — noun a 15 point scoring system for assessing the degree of consciousness of a person, including eye opening, verbal response, and physical movement. Abbrev.: GCS {published in 1974 by neurosurgeons working at the University of Glasgow (in… …
Glasgow Coma Scale — (Medicine) numerical scale used to assess the neurological response in patients with head injuries (based on evaluations of eye opening, verbal response, and motor response), GCS … English contemporary dictionary
Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale — The Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (also known as Paediatric Glasgow Coma Score or simply PGCS) is the equivalent of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) used to assess the mental state of adult patients. As many of the assessments for an adult patient… … Wikipedia
Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale — Die Pädiatrische Glasgow Koma Skala oder Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (PGCS) ist eine einfache Skala zur Abschätzung einer Bewusstseinsstörung. Sie wurde analog zur Glasgow Koma Skala speziell für Kinder weiterentwickelt. Dieses am weitesten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Coma scale — A Coma scale is a system to assess the severity of coma. There are several such systems: Contents 1 Glasgow Coma Scale 2 Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale 3 Blantyre Coma Scale 4 See also … Wikipedia