
   1. a traditional unit of volume for dry goods in Portugal and Brazil, equal to 1/4 fanga (the Portuguese equivalent of the Spanish fanega). This is about 13.8 liters or 12.5 U.S. dry quarts.
   2. a traditional unit of land area in Portugal and Brazil. Still used commonly to measure farmland in Brazil, the unit varies considerably from region to region. One alqueire equals 2.42 hectares (5.980 acres) in São Paulo; 4.84 hectares (11.960 acres) in Río de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Goiás; 9.68 hectares (23.920 acres) in Bahía, and 2.7225 hectares (6.728 acres) in the northern part of the country. In Portugal, where the unit is obsolete, it was much smaller, about 0.14 hectare (0.35 acre).

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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