normal liter

normal liter
(NL or Nl or Ndm3)
   a unit of mass for gases equal to the mass of 1 liter (0.035 3147 ft3) at a pressure of 1 atmosphere and at a standard temperature, often 0 °C (32 °F) or 20 °C (68 °F). Air flow is often stated in normal liters per minute (Nl/min).

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • normal — nor•mal [[t]ˈnɔr məl[/t]] adj. 1) conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; regular; natural 2) serving to fix a standard 3) cvb bio med of natural occurrence 4) psi approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence,… …   From formal English to slang

  • normal — (N)    a term used in chemistry to describe a solution having a concentration of 1 gram equivalent per liter. The normal concentration of an ion is effectively equal to the molar concentration divided by the valence (the number of free or missing …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • normal solution — a solution in which each liter contains 1 equivalent weight of the dissolved substance: designated N/1 or 1 N …   Medical dictionary

  • Ndm3 —    a symbol sometimes used for the normal liter. Recall that a liter is the same as a cubic decimeter (dm3).    see normal liter …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • NL —    see normal liter …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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