- -merous
- an ending meaning "-parted," added to a number to create an adjective. Thus "8-merous" means "having 8 parts." The suffix, frequently used by botanists, is derived from the Greek meros, "part."
Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.
Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.
-merous — [mər əs] [< Gr meros, a part (see MERIT) + OUS] combining form forming adjectives having (a specified number or kind of) parts; partite [trimerous (often written 3 merous)] … English World dictionary
Merous — Merosity is used to designate that a flower has whorls of floral parts in the perianth. It describes how many segments the whorl of petals or sepals or tepals have in a flower. Thus if a flower has five petals that look the same, then the flower… … Wikipedia
-merous — combining form Biology having a specified number of parts: pentamerous. Origin on the pattern of words such as (di)merous (see also mer) … English new terms dictionary
-merous — comb. form esp. Bot. having so many parts (dimerous; 5 merous). Etymology: Gk (as MERO ) … Useful english dictionary
-merous — adjective combining form Etymology: New Latin merus, from Greek merēs, from meros more at merit having (such or so many) parts < dimerous > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-merous — a combining form meaning having parts of the kind or number specified by the initial element: dimerous. Cf. mer, mere. [ < Gk meros, adj. deriv. of méros part, portion, share; see OUS] * * * … Universalium
-merous — (G). Parted … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
-merous — mer·ous … English syllables
-merous — aff. a combining form meaning “having parts” of the kind or number specified by the initial element: dimerous[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk merēs, adj. der. of méros part, share; see ous … From formal English to slang
Mérou — Nom vernaculaire ou nom normalisé ambigu : Le terme « Mérou » s applique en français à plusieurs taxons distincts. Mérou … Wikipédia en Français