
   a unit used in music to describe the ratio in frequency between notes.
   The difference between two frequencies in savarts is equal to 1000 times the logarithm of the ratio between the two frequences. Thus there are 1000·log(2) = 301.03000 savarts in an octave. (In applications, this is sometimes rounded to 300.) The savart is equal to about 3.9863 cents3 or 3.3219 millioctaves.
   Two notes differ by one savart if the higher note has a frequency equal to 21/301.03 = 1.002 305 times the frequency of the lower note. The unit is named for a French physicist, Félix Savart (1791-1841); although best known for his work in electromagnetism, Savart also did pioneer research in the physics of sound.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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