Shoe size — A shoe size is an alphanumerical indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. Often it just consists of a number indicating the length because many shoemakers only provide a standard width for economic reasons. There are several… … Wikipedia
Shoe — This article is about footwear. For other uses, see Shoe (disambiguation). Various shoes for sale in Quarry Bay … Wikipedia
shoe — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, stout (BrE), strong, sturdy ▪ clumpy (BrE), clunky (AmE) ▪ light … Collocations dictionary
Size — The word size may refer to how big something is. In particular: * Measurement * Dimensions: length, width, height, diameter, perimeter, area, volume * Clothing sizes such as shoe size or dress size * Body dimensions **Human height **Human weight… … Wikipedia
Shoe Island (Lake Michigan) — Shoe Island is a small island or islet in the Beaver Island archipelago in Lake Michigan. It is about 3 acres (0.01 km²) in size and located in eastern St. James Township, Charlevoix County, Michigan. It became part of the Michigan Islands… … Wikipedia
shoe|box — «SHOO BOKS», noun. 1. a thin cardboard box, usually of a standard size, used for holding shoes: »The instrument weighs less than 20 pounds and is only slightly larger than a shoebox (Science News Letter). 2. Informal. something that resembles a… … Useful english dictionary
shoe — shoeless, adj. /shooh/, n., pl. shoes, (esp. Brit. Dial.) shoon; v., shod or shoed, shod or shoed or shodden, shoeing. n. 1. an external covering for the human foot, usually of leather and consisting of a more or less stiff or heavy sole and a… … Universalium
Shoe Event Horizon — The Shoe Event Horizon is a mock theory invented by Douglas Adams for The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy radio series.The foundation of the theory is that when depressed, people tend to look down, and when they look down, they see their shoes.… … Wikipedia
Shoe studs — Studs or Screw in Calks are traction devices screwed into the bottom of a horse shoe. Use of studsStud improve a horse s balance and grip over uneven or slippy terrain, and can make him move better and jump more confidently in poor footing. The… … Wikipedia
size — noun 1 how big or small sth is ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, fair, good, great, impressive, large, massive, substantial, vast … Collocations dictionary