
   a unit of physical activity used in time-and-motion studies in industrial engineering. A therblig represents one of 18 standardized activities identified by the American industrial psychologists Frank B. Gilbreth (1868-1924) and Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972): search, find, select, grasp, hold, position, assemble, use, disassemble, inspect, transport loaded, transport unloaded, pre-position for next operation, release load, unavoidable delay, avoidable delay, plan, and rest for overcoming fatigue. The word is Gilbreth spelled backwards (considering "th" as one letter).

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • Therblig — ist die Bezeichnung eines Satzes grundlegender Bewegungen, die für einen Arbeiter erforderlich sind, um einen Handbetrieb oder eine Aufgabe durchzuführen. Das Wort Therblig ist eine Umkehrung des Wortes Gilbreth (wenn das „th“ als ein Buchstabe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • therblig — (izg. tèrblig) m DEFINICIJA konstr. grafički znak koji označava neki pokret, stanje ili funkciju; upotrebljava se u analizi vremena i pokreta ETIMOLOGIJA amer.engl. anagram imena američkog inženjera F. B. Gilbretha (1868 1924) …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Therblig — A therblig is the name for one of a set of fundamental motions required for a worker to perform a manual operation or task. The set consists of 18 elements, each describing a standardized activity. These are listed… …   Wikipedia

  • therblig — ˈthər(ˌ)blig noun ( s) Etymology: anagram, after Frank B. Gilbreth died 1924 American engineer 1. : one of the manual, visual, or mental elements into which an industrial manual operation may be analyzed in time and motion study 2. : a symbol… …   Useful english dictionary

  • therblig — /therr blig/, n. (in time and motion study) any of the basic elements involved in completing a given manual operation or task that can be subjected to analysis. [1930 35, Amer.; anagram of F. B. Gilbreth (1868 1924), American engineer] * * * …   Universalium

  • therblig — noun (time and motion study) Any of a set of fundamental motions required for a worker to perform a manual operation …   Wiktionary

  • therblig — unit of work for quantifying industrial operations Units of Measurement …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • therblig — n. single basic body motion by a worker; unit of work for calculating industrial operations …   English contemporary dictionary

  • therblig — ther·blig …   English syllables

  • Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr. — Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr. (July 7 1868 June 14, 1924) was an early advocate of scientific management and a pioneer of motion study, but is perhaps best known as the father and central figure of Cheaper by the Dozen . Early career Gilbreth had no …   Wikipedia

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