bissextile year

bissextile year
   an old name for a leap year. In the Roman calendar as proclaimed by JuliusCaesar in 45 BC, the leap ("intercalary") day in a leap year was insertednot at the end of February but after the day known as ante diem sextumKalendas Martii (February24). The leap day was known as ante diem bis sextum Kalendas Martii, hencethe bissextile day, and the year was the bissextile year.

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  • Bissextile year — Year Year, n. [OE. yer, yeer, [yogh]er, AS. ge[ a]r; akin to OFries. i?r, g?r, D. jaar, OHG. j[=a]r, G. jahr, Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aar, Sw. [*a]r, Goth. j?r, Gr. ? a season of the year, springtime, a part of the day, an hour, ? a year, Zend y[=a]re… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bissextile year — noun a year with an extra day, a leap year See Also: bissextile, bissextile month …   Wiktionary

  • bissextile year — noun in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400 • Syn: ↑leap year, ↑intercalary year, ↑366 days • Hypernyms: ↑year, ↑twelvemonth, ↑yr * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Year — Year, n. [OE. yer, yeer, [yogh]er, AS. ge[ a]r; akin to OFries. i?r, g?r, D. jaar, OHG. j[=a]r, G. jahr, Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aar, Sw. [*a]r, Goth. j?r, Gr. ? a season of the year, springtime, a part of the day, an hour, ? a year, Zend y[=a]re year …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Year and a day — Year Year, n. [OE. yer, yeer, [yogh]er, AS. ge[ a]r; akin to OFries. i?r, g?r, D. jaar, OHG. j[=a]r, G. jahr, Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aar, Sw. [*a]r, Goth. j?r, Gr. ? a season of the year, springtime, a part of the day, an hour, ? a year, Zend y[=a]re… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Year of grace — Year Year, n. [OE. yer, yeer, [yogh]er, AS. ge[ a]r; akin to OFries. i?r, g?r, D. jaar, OHG. j[=a]r, G. jahr, Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aar, Sw. [*a]r, Goth. j?r, Gr. ? a season of the year, springtime, a part of the day, an hour, ? a year, Zend y[=a]re… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bissextile month — noun a month with an extra day in a leap year See Also: bissextile, bissextile year …   Wiktionary

  • year — Synonyms and related words: abundant year, academic year, annum, bissextile year, calendar month, calendar year, century, common year, day, decade, decennary, decennium, defective year, fiscal year, fortnight, hour, leap year, lunar month, lunar… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Bissextile — Bis*sex tile, n. [L. bissextilis annus, fr. bissextus (bis + sextus sixth, fr. sex six) the sixth of the calends of March, or twenty fourth day of February, which was reckoned twice every fourth year, by the intercalation of a day.] Leap year;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bissextile — [bis seks′til, bis seks′təl, bis seks′tīl΄] adj. [LL bisextilis, containing an intercalary day < bisextus < bis, twice (see BI 1) + sextus, sixth: Feb. 24 (sixth day before the calends of March) was reckoned twice every fourth year] 1.… …   English World dictionary

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