
   a metric unit used to describe the insulating properties of cloth. If the flow of heat through the cloth is 1 watt per square meter, then the insulating value in togs is 10 times the temperature difference, in Celsius degrees (or kelvins), between the two sides of the cloth. This makes the tog equal to exactly 0.1 m2K/W or about 0.645 clo. "Togs," now a slang word in English, is derived from an old Dutch/North German word tuig or tög meaning "the clothes you're wearing."

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • Tog'l — was a construction set produced by Mattel from 1968 through 1970, similar in concept to Lego.CompositionAt its core was a cube shaped building block called a Tog l Block . Each side of the block had a hole or a pin that could be used to connect… …   Wikipedia

  • Tog — or TOG may refer to:* Togo, IOC code * Tog (unit), a unit of thermal resistance * Tuğ, Azerbaijan * Bruce Tognazzini, an interface guru * Terry s Old Geezers/Gals (TOGs), people who listen to the Terry Wogan show on BBC Radio 2 * a photographer… …   Wikipedia

  • tog — Ⅰ. tog [1] informal ► NOUN (togs) ▪ clothes. ► VERB (togged, togging) (be togged up/out) ▪ be fully dressed for a particular occasion or activity. ORIGIN apparently an abbreviation …   English terms dictionary

  • Tog — Tog, v. t. & i. To put toggery, or togs, on; to dress; usually with out, implying care, elaborateness, or the like. [Colloq. or Slang] Harper s Weekly. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • TOG — steht für: Togo, das olympische Länderkürzel TOG (Panzer), ein britischer Kampfpanzer Bruce Tognazzini, Interface Designer Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit dems …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tog — [täg, tôg] n. [prob. < cant togeman(s), togman, a cloak, coat, ult. < L toga, TOGA] 1. [Old Slang] a coat 2. [pl.] Informal clothes; outfit [tennis togs] vt., vi. togged, togging Informal to dress: usually with up or out …   English World dictionary

  • tog — /tog/, n., v., togged, togging. n. 1. a coat. 2. Usually, togs. clothes. v.t. 3. to dress (often fol. by out or up). [1775 85; appar. short for earlier cant togeman(s), togman cloak, coat, equiv. to toge (late ME < L toga TOGA) + man(s) obs. cant …   Universalium

  • tog — tog, tóguri, s.n. (înv.) 1. proprietate prin comasarea unor terenuri. 2. loc neted; luminiş în pădure; fânaţ. 3. adăpost în câmp. Trimis de blaurb, 13.03.2007. Sursa: DAR …   Dicționar Român

  • tog — (n.) 1708, any outer garment, shortened from togman cloak, loose coat (1560s), thieves cant word, formed from Fr. togue cloak, from L. toga (see TOGA (Cf. toga)). Middle English toge toga (14c.) was also a cant word for coat …   Etymology dictionary

  • tog — aero·pho·tog·ra·phy; ag·ros·tog·ra·pher; ag·ros·tog·ra·phy; aor·tog·ra·phy; aso·ma·tog·no·sia; as·tog·e·ny; au·tog·a·mous; au·tog·a·my; au·tog·e·ny; au·tog·no·sis; au·tog·nos·tic; au·tog·ra·pher; au·tog·ra·phy; blas·tog·e·ny; bo·tog·e·nin;… …   English syllables

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