volt ampere

volt ampere
   a unit of electrical load used in power engineering. In an alternating current circuit, if the potential (measured in volts) and the current (measured in amperes) vary in phase with each other, then the power delivered (measured in watts) is the product of the potential and the current. In actual circuits, the potential and current are usually out of phase (see var, above), causing the device receiving the power to draw more current than its wattage requirements would suggest. The product of the potential and the actual current is the load, in volt amperes.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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  • Volt ampere — Volt amp[ e]re (Elec.) A unit of electric measurement equal to the product of a volt and an ampere. For direct current it is a measure of power and is the same as a watt; for alternating current it is a measure of apparent power. [Webster 1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • volt-ampere — volt′ am′pere n. elm an electric measurement unit, equal to the product of one volt and one ampere, equivalent to one watt for direct current systems and a unit of apparent power for alternating current systems Abbr.: VA • Etymology: 1895–1900 …   From formal English to slang

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