
   a CGS unit of permeability. Permeability is the extent to which a solid allows the flow of a fluid. This flow depends on the properties of the solid and also on the dynamic viscosity of the fluid and the difference in pressure driving the flow. One darcy is the permeability of a solid through which one cubic centimeter of fluid, having a viscosity of one centipoise, will flow in one second through a section one centimeter thick and one square centimeter in cross section, if the pressure difference between the two sides of the solid is one atmosphere. It turns out that permeability has the same units as area; since there is no SI unit of permeability, square meters are used. One darcy is equal to about 0.98692 x 10-12 square meter. The unit is named for a French scientist, H. Darcy (1803-1858), who did pioneering work in the study of permeability.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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