
   1. a Spanish unit of volume, mostly for dry goods. The word is derived from an Arabic word faniqa for a large sack. The fanega equals 12 almudes or 48 cuartillos; this is about 55.50 liters or 1.960 cubic feet (1.575 U.S. bushels). Very similar units were used in Portugal and in most of the Latin American countries. In Chile and Argentina, however, a much larger fanega, roughly 2.5 U.S. bushels, was customary.
   2. or fanegada
   a traditional unit of land area in Spain and in some Latin American countries.
   The unit originated as the amount of land that could be planted with a fanega1 of seed. It varied considerably from one area to another. In 1801 it was standardized in Spain as the area of a square 96 varas (80.2 meters) on a side; this comes to 0.643 hectare (1.59 acres). After the introduction of the metric system it became customary to refer to an area 80 meters square as a fanega. This unit is not legal but is still used informally in some parts of Spain. The Central American manzana is a counterpart of this traditional Spanish unit.

Dictionary of units of measurement. 2015.

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